About Me

My journey of self-discovery led me down a path of exploring beauty hacks, and seeking a cleaner, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Amidst this exploration, a solo trip to California became a pivotal moment, reigniting my love for life and our beautiful country.

With newfound inspiration, I founded Bay Area Rising as a comprehensive hub to share the wealth of knowledge I had amassed. Transitioning into a life with my boyfriend, I delved into the world of homemaking and family. Being a “boy mom” to my spirited 7-year-old, Curtis, has taught me to cherish life’s little moments and embrace the delightful chaos that accompanies parenthood.

Recently, our journey took us from New Orleans to the captivating landscapes of Louisiana. My roots are in the South, but I was raised in New York, resulting in a unique blend of Southern charm and a New York mindset. This upbringing has bestowed upon me a broad perspective on life and a deep appreciation for cultural diversity.

As a dedicated writer and content creator, I am passionate about sharing my experiences, opinions, and valuable tips on motherhood, lifestyle, and wellness. Bay Area Rising is not just a platform; it’s a reflection of my evolving journey and a space where I can connect with others on the beautiful and often chaotic path of life.